
Found on Facebook in June

Ten facebook quotes about life that caught attention in June

  1. One day You'll laugh at the problems You have today.
  2. The best way to trick a fool is let the fool think that he is tricking you.
  3. Worrying is a waste of time, it doesn't change anything. It messes with your mind and steal your happiness. Paulo Coelho 
  4. Stop falling for words, start falling for actions. Daniel Amos
  5. For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. You just need a system to do it. Tony Robbins
  6. The past can no longer hurt you. It's all in your head.
  7. Good health is having no fatigue; having a good appetite; going to sleep and awakening easily; having a good memory; having good humor; having precision in thought and action; and being honest, humble, grateful, and loving. How healthy are you? Louise Hay
  8. A book a day makes the bills go away.
  9. Sometimes you have to give up on people . Not because you don't care because they don't !
  10. I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and got into bed before the room was dark. Muhammad Ali